Java 使用aspose.pdf将多张图片转成pdf的方法及示例代码
Java 使用aspose.word多张图片转成pdf的方法及示例代码
/** * * Converts an image to PDF using aspose.pdf for Java. * * * * @param inputImgUrls 所有文件档图片地址 * * @param outputFileName 保存的pdf文件名 * */ public static void convertImageToPdf(ArrayList<String> inputImgUrls, String outputFileName) throws Exception { // Instantiate Document Object try { com.aspose.pdf.Document doc = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(); URL imgUrl = null; BufferedImage bufferedImage = null; for (int i = 0; i < inputImgUrls.size(); i++) // { imgUrl = new URL(inputImgUrls.get(i)); // Add a page to pages collection of document Page page = doc.getPages().add(); // Load the source image file to Stream object bufferedImage = (BufferedImage) ImageIO.read(imgUrl); byte[] buffer = ((DataBufferByte) (bufferedImage).getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); java.io.InputStream fs = new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(buffer); // Set margins so image will fit, etc. page.getPageInfo().getMargin().setBottom(0); page.getPageInfo().getMargin().setTop(0); page.getPageInfo().getMargin().setLeft(0); page.getPageInfo().getMargin().setRight(0); page.setCropBox(new Rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400)); // Create an image object Image image1 = new Image(); // Add the image into paragraphs collection of the section page.getParagraphs().add(image1); // Set the image file stream image1.setImageStream(fs); } doc.save(outputFileName); } finally { } }
/** * * Converts an image to PDF using aspose.words for Java. * * * * @param inputImgUrls 所有文件档图片地址 * * @param outputFileName 保存的pdf文件名 * */ public static void convertImageToPdf(ArrayList<String> inputImgUrls, String outputFileName) throws Exception { // 验证License if (!getLicense()) { return; } Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); try { for (int i = 0; i < inputImgUrls.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) builder.insertBreak(BreakType.SECTION_BREAK_NEW_PAGE); URL imgUrl = new URL(inputImgUrls.get(i));// 网络图片 BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage) ImageIO.read(imgUrl); double maxPageHeight = 1584; double maxPageWidth = 1584; double currentImageHeight = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(image.getHeight()); double currentImageWidth = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(image.getWidth()); if (currentImageWidth >= maxPageWidth || currentImageHeight >= maxPageHeight) { double[] size = CalculateImageSize(image, maxPageHeight, maxPageWidth, currentImageHeight, currentImageWidth); currentImageWidth = size[0]; currentImageHeight = size[1]; } PageSetup ps = builder.getPageSetup(); ps.setPageWidth(currentImageWidth); ps.setPageHeight(currentImageHeight); Shape shape = builder.insertImage(image, RelativeHorizontalPosition.PAGE, 0, RelativeVerticalPosition.PAGE, 0, ps.getPageWidth(), ps.getPageHeight(), WrapType.NONE); } } finally { } // Save the document to PDF. doc.save(outputFileName); } // 等比计算图片尺寸 public static double[] CalculateImageSize(BufferedImage img, double containerHeight, double containerWidth, double targetHeight, double targetWidth) throws Exception { // Calculate width and height targetHeight = containerHeight; targetWidth = containerWidth; // Get size of an image double imgHeight = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(img.getHeight()); double imgWidth = ConvertUtil.pixelToPoint(img.getWidth()); if (imgHeight < targetHeight && imgWidth < targetWidth) { targetHeight = imgHeight; targetWidth = imgWidth; } else { // 计算文档中图像的大小 double ratioWidth = imgWidth / targetWidth; double ratioHeight = imgHeight / targetHeight; if (ratioWidth > ratioHeight) targetHeight = (targetHeight * (ratioHeight / ratioWidth)); else targetWidth = (targetWidth * (ratioWidth / ratioHeight)); } double[] size = new double[2]; size[0] = targetWidth; // width size[1] = targetHeight; // height return (size); }
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java利用aspose组件将word转成pdf 中文乱码问题
java 使用URLConnection下载抓取多个图片合成单个pdf文件