注意:输入参数只接受 unicode
1) 默认模式
esult = jieba.tokenize(u'永和服装饰品有限公司')
for tk in result:
print("word %s\t\t start: %d \t\t end:%d" % (tk[0],tk[1],tk[2]))
word 永和 start: 0 end:2
word 服装 start: 2 end:4
word 饰品 start: 4 end:6
word 有限公司 start: 6 end:10
2) 搜索模式
result = jieba.tokenize(u'永和服装饰品有限公司', mode='search')
for tk in result:
print("word %s\t\t start: %d \t\t end:%d" % (tk[0],tk[1],tk[2]))
word 永和 start: 0 end:2
word 服装 start: 2 end:4
word 饰品 start: 4 end:6
word 有限 start: 6 end:8
word 公司 start: 8 end:10
word 有限公司 start: 6 end:10
ChineseAnalyzer for Whoosh 搜索引擎
1) 引用ChineseAnalyzer
from jieba.analyse import ChineseAnalyzer
2) 用法
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys,os sys.path.append("../") from whoosh.index import create_in,open_dir from whoosh.fields import * from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser from jieba.analyse.analyzer import ChineseAnalyzer analyzer = ChineseAnalyzer() schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True), content=TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=analyzer)) if not os.path.exists("tmp"): os.mkdir("tmp") ix = create_in("tmp", schema) # for create new index #ix = open_dir("tmp") # for read only writer = ix.writer() writer.add_document( title="document1", path="/a", content="This is the first document we’ve added!" ) writer.add_document( title="document2", path="/b", content="The second one 你 中文测试中文 is even more interesting! 吃水果" ) writer.add_document( title="document3", path="/c", content="买水果然后来世博园。" ) writer.add_document( title="document4", path="/c", content="工信处女干事每月经过下属科室都要亲口交代24口交换机等技术性器件的安装工作" ) writer.add_document( title="document4", path="/c", content="咱俩交换一下吧。" ) writer.commit() searcher = ix.searcher() parser = QueryParser("content", schema=ix.schema) for keyword in ("水果世博园","你","first","中文","交换机","交换"): print("result of ",keyword) q = parser.parse(keyword) results = searcher.search(q) for hit in results: print(hit.highlights("content")) print("="*10) for t in analyzer("我的好朋友是李明;我爱北京天安门;IBM和Microsoft; I have a dream. this is intetesting and interested me a lot"): print(t.text)
Python 使用结巴分词(jieba)提取关键词和词性标注方法及示例代码